Madison County Democratic Women (MCDW) has a rich and varied history in Madison County's political life. Formed in 1961 as the first political club for women in the State of Alabama, MCDW has played a pivotal role in Democratic politics for decades. Now we are experiencing rejuvenation and regrowth, and moving forward into the 21st century. We welcome women and men alike.

American women comprise just over 50% of the voting base, yet are vastly under-represented in the political process. Nationally, just under 20% of the US Congress is female, and only 25% of statewide officeholders are female. In Alabama, only 14% of the state legislature is female. In Madison County, there are a few women officeholders, but not nearly enough.

The mission of MCDW is to support the principles of the Democratic Party, to elect Democrats to public offices on local, state, and national levels, and to initiate and carry out programs and projects on behalf of the Party.  To that end, we host monthly luncheons with lively discussions of current topics, we provide a forum for candidates to get their message out, we sponsor and support scholarships for college-bound students to recognize excellence in Madison County, and we have a robust agenda of growth and activity.

Come join the life of the party!